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Installing License Keys on iCap Alta Virtual Machines

Before you start this tutorial, you may want to review:

Internet Access Requirements For Using EEG Network-Activated Licensing

iCap Alta Getting Started Guide

You will need to have your license key string issued by your EEG Sales or Support representative.

Installing Your License Key

Once you have the virtual machine booting in your hypervisor (VirtualBox or other), perform the following steps:

1. Browse to the home page of your alta instance (for example

2. Click the License Key tab in the top level navigation

3. Enter your license key into the text input and click Save.

Now when you start a new Alta instance, the instance should begin as expected and the detailed logs will show a correct ability to license the software.

If the logs state that the licensing activation point could not be reached, you may need to modify the firewall/network access settings on your virtual machine controller, the host system, and/or the gateway router allowing traffic to pass out of your local network to the Internet.

See below for a video tutorial demonstrating these steps.