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Adding New EEG Cloud Members

EEG Cloud users with the Admin role can invite members of their organization to EEG Cloud, and give those new members access to EEG Cloud services.

To invite members:

  1. In a browser, navigate to and Sign In with your username and password.
  2. On the EEG Cloud services window, click your email address toward the right side of the top tool bar, and then select Members from the menu.
  3. On the Members tab of the EEG Cloud Management page, click Add New.
  4. On the Invite Users window, enter the new member's Email address, and then select the New User address line from the search. Press Enter after each address to invite multiple members at once.
    Note: If you do not click the New User address line, your EEG Cloud window may become blank. Refresh the page to continue working.
  5. Select Team or Role from the selector, and then choose the team or role to add these new members to.
    By default EEG Cloud has these roles:
    • Coordinator users can configure services. They can add, edit, and delete applicable products.
    • Admin users can configure services and can manage EEG Cloud membership. They can add, edit, and delete users.
    • Also, each EEG Cloud group has one Owner, with the same permissions has Admin users. The system assigns this user when creating each group.
  6. To remove a new user, click the x in the bubble with their email address.
  7. Click Submit. The new user is added and displays on the Members tab. Users receive an email from with information and instructions for creating their account and password.
  8. Confirm all new members have received the invitation email and follow its instructions. If they cannot find the invitation, ask them to check their spam or junk folders.

EEG Cloud requires users to set their password before they access the platform. New users appear inactive until they have established a password. To resend the invitation to a user, find the new user on the Members page, and then click Activate User, as shown.