Articles in this section

Sending New SCTE Triggers to Alta for Ad Break Insertion

Sending SCTE Triggers Over Virtual GPI

You can configure built-in presets on the Alta webpage (each assigned to a GPI number) to trigger SCTE-104 commands over virtual GPI, using a GPI over IP protocol (we currently support JL Cooper eBox, either through their physical hardware: see or emulating the protocol by writing a program that serves as the "server" side on TCP/IP), with the following splice inserts: splice start, splice start immediate, splice end, End Immediate, and splice cancel, as well as inserting the basic fields "program ID", "break duration", and "preroll time". 

Please see the attachment for a screenshot of Alta's Network GPI's webpage where such pre-sets can be configured (currently Lexi on/off and speaker change pre-sets are also available options). 

Sending SCTE Triggers Over HTTP API

You can send HTTP requests to an API endpoint to either:

a) activate the same pre-set trigger messages from above (no need for using the JL Cooper protocol) after configuring them with a GPI number on the website.

b) trigger those SCTE-104 presets dynamically to an API endpoint, targeted to any Alta channel (without needing to pre-configure anything on the site or assign a GPI number).

c) trigger SCTE-35 cue in/cue out messages (for starting and ending ad breaks) to an API endpoint, targeted to any Alta channel

d) trigger SCTE104/35 time signals with segmentation descriptor parameters (allows for considerably more customization of where, when, and how to trigger ad breaks within a particular program)

  • Please see the following API Docs for additional info on triggering SCTE via the HTTP request options from above: 
    • Alta TS: (on p.13, under the "Network GPI's, Presets + Cue Point Triggering" section
    • Alta 2110: (on p.15, under the "Network GPI's, Presets + Cue Point Triggering" section)