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Setting up Azure SSO with EEG Cloud

This document describes the steps for setting up SSO logins into EEGCloud using Microsoft’s Azure system as your SAML Identity Provider.

Creating a New Application

  1. Visit the Enterprise Application on your Azure Portal.
  2. In the All applications window, Click New application.
  3. In the Browse Azure AD Gallery, click Create your own application.
  4. On the Create your own application window:
    1. Enter EEG Cloud in the What's the name of your app? field.
    2. Select Integrate any other application you don't find in the gallery (Non-Gallery).
    3. Click Create. The system creates your new application.

Configuring Single Sign On

  1. In the EEGCloud navigation, navigate to Home > Overview. The Overview window opens with your new application selected.
  2. In the Getting Started section of the Overview window, click 2. Set up single sign on.
  3. Click SAML In the Select a single sign-on method window.

Basic SAML Configuration

To configure basic SAML:

  1. In the upper-right of the Basic SAML Configuration section, click Edit.
  2. Complete the Identifier (Entity ID) and Reply URL (Assertion Consumer Service URL) with the information your EEG support contact provided. For example:
    • Entity ID:
    • Sign on URL:
  3. Click Save. The SAML signing certificate generates automatically.

Configuring Attributes & Claims

These steps apply only to customers with multiple EEGCloud billing groups. If your company does not have multiple EEGCloud billing groups, leave these default settings, and continue with SAML Signing Certificate.

  1. In the Attributes & Claims section, click Edit.
  2. Click Add a group claim.
  3. In the Group Claims window:
    1. Click the Groups assigned to the application selector.
    2. From the Source ID menu, select Group ID.
  4. Click Save.

For each group you add to the application's Users and Groups, you must provide the Object ID of the group to the matching Billing ID. Each group's Object ID is listed in the Groups Settings View in Azure AD.

SAML Signing Certificate

The system creates the SAML signing certificate automatically when you complete the steps in Basic SAML Configuration. On the SAML Signing Certificate window, Download all certificate options, and then send them to your EEG support contact or to the general Help Desk at



Setting up EEG Cloud

To finalize your configuration, provide your EEG support contact with the Login URL, Azure AD Identifier, and the Logout URL shown on the Set up EEG Cloud section.


Final Testing

Once you have provided the necessary details, EEG configures the entries, establishes the link, and begins testing the SSO configuration.